Screenshotfilename="/android_linked_root/captures/image_%02d.jpg" Screenshotfilename="/captures/image_%02d.jpg" Still, it didnt work, even after selecting another engine and back to reinitialize the VocalizerEx TTS engine.0-STREAM_VOICE_CALL, 1-STREAM_SYSTEM (our default), 2-STREAM_RING, 3-STREAM_MUSIC, 4-STREAM_ALARM, 5-STREAM_NOTIFICATION So, I tried to change the Voice data folder in the settings to the folder I put the voices in. I can select VocalizerEx TTS in the text output, but in the settings the language selection is disabled. I have several folder (dun, eng, frf, ged.) in the ExtSdCard VocalizerEx folder, installed the APK. Plug your device on computer and create a folder named VocalizerEx 2) Download and install on your device the attached APK 3) Visit and download your language. I know thats not so good, but I think you can understand it In this guide Ill teach how to install almost any TTS language (non-robotic) so your device can read things in your native language without problems. Igo Primo Tts Pro Voice Install Almost Any Related topics Replies Views Last post by Sun 12:02 am 14 Replies 11887 Views Last post by Tue 9:05 pm by Thu 8:32 pm 5 Replies 7411 Views Last post by Thu 8:50 pm by Wed 12:29 am 5 Replies 1372 Views Last post by Fri 2:28 am by Tue 6:11 am 3 Replies 2002 Views Last post by Tue 6:37 pm by Wed 3:17 pm 8 Replies 1864 Views Last post by Thu 1:36 pm Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests. Thank you so much been struggling with this for a bit, you just made my day Offline Joined: Wed 9:29 pm Posts: 16 Has thanked: time Been thanked: times. Igo Primo 2.4 Tts Pro Voices The rest of the folders in the content directory I left be. I removed the loquendo voice files in the voice folder and replaced all them with the ones from this download. If its only English that youre looking for, Ive also made a post in that thread. Ive heard via PM that Loquendo voices do not work with WinCE 6 - only 4.2 and 5.0. Igo Primo Tts Pro Voices Also the TTSLOQ folder I have to create in the primo root folder Because there was none there, and copy the files from your download into them Is this correct Offline Joined: Wed 9:29 pm Posts: 16 Has thanked: time Been thanked: times. Igo Primo Tts Pro Voice Download Into Them To use Loquendo TTS voices in Primo you must do this: You must add in the voice file: ttsengineloquendo in info.ini file This is a quote from the TT voices guide, I cant find that info.ini file where is it I am using IGO primo 2.0 and 2.4. Igo Primo Tts Pro Voice Install Almost Any.

Igo Primo Tts Pro Voice Download Into Them.