To learn more, see Adding languages to Windows images. Windows imaging starts with at least one language pack and its language components. Adding language packs, local experience packs, and language features If the LCU is not reinstalled after the language pack, you might see some under-localized strings. Note: Be sure to reinstall the latest cumulative update (LCU) after installing any language packs, as the LCUs often contain resource updates. How language pack results are presented in the Volume Licensing Service Center

The results will return the currently available ISO images containing language packs and local experience packs. Selecting more than one language pack in the Volume Licensing Service Center If you only need one language pack, select the individual language pack and then select Continue. To select and download multiple language packs at once, select MultiLanguage. How to search for downloads and product keys within the Volume Licensing Service Center Upon signing in, you can access the downloads by searching under Downloads and Keys for "Windows 10." If you have a Windows 10 Enterprise subscriptions (formerly called Software Assurance), we recommend that you download language pack media from the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC).